Doggone Fun!
Oh, we were so sad to end such an incredible week of "doggone fun", and to say goodbye to our many new and old friends. Dog camp was amazing. Simply amazing.
Clooney participated in sheep herding, lure coursing, creative movement, Treibball, and more. He won "dog with most potential" in lure coursing (he rocked it!); and he and his poodle family won the camp relay!
He also talked to an animal communicator and then ended camp with an incredible doggy massage - yes, a dog massage is a real thing. And he LOVED it.
The location was spectacular. The camp counselors and trainers at Yellowstone Dog Sports, were beyond helpful. And, the owner Elaine was an all around great person to people and dogs alike.
It was so beautiful, that I actually woke Clooney up at 6:30 one morning to catch some lovely morning light. Neither one of us are particularly "morning people", but...
what's not to love about this beautiful blue sky?
Even the sheep and goats came out to say "Hi"...
Which prompted Clooney to tell me his sheep herding strategy (which really didn't go as planned)...
Later Clooney won "most promising dog" in his Lure Coursing run...
(click below to see his amazing pursuit of a bag on a string)
And, here's our poodle team photo after we won the relay!
Photo courtesy of a fellow dog camper.
Alas, all good things must come to an end...until next year.
And we are off to the 2nd half of our epic Montana adventure!